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Planning Board Minutes 12/07/2006

(603) 798-4350

DECEMBER 7, 2006

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Joanna McIntosh, Fred Ruoff, Richard DeBold, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm, Richard Arell, David Kenneally, Mike Paveglio, Chris Weir and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Towle read the agenda and requested that the Board review the Minutes of November 2, 2006, the following corrections were made:

Page 1 – Public Hearing: Mark Blasko, first paragraph, fifth line remove the word “to” after stated.

Page 2 – Public Hearing: Laura Foss, First paragraph, third sentence change “up to” to “in”.

Page 3 – Discussion: Ann Fornier, first paragraph, third line remove the word “be” and change “denied” to “deny”, second paragraph, add the word “of” after Setbacks and remove comma.

Motion was made to accept the minutes of November 2, 2006 with the above changes.

        Paveglio/McIntosh       (Passed)

The Board was then requested to review the Minutes of the Working Meeting on November 30, 2006, the following corrections were made: Each project was given a number.

Page 1, Third paragraph first line to read: “DOT would require a Traffic Impact Study before considering any proposed improvements to Route 4 at Bailey Road.”  Forth paragraph remove “In Law-Apartment and insert “Rental Property” Last paragraph, last line change “pass” to “passed”

There being no further changes a motion was made to accept the minutes of November 30, 2006 with the above changes.

        Brehm/Arell     (Passed)

        Site Review – Multi Use - Family Entertainment Center
        Mini-Golf, Batting Cages and snack bar
        Map 2, Lot 81, Dover and Bailey Roads
Continued from November 2, 2006

Abutters present: Diane & Bill Stevens

Anthony Costello and Mark Blasko presented the revised plans to the Board. The grading has dropped from 7% to 3% to create a better parking area. Septic design plans have been forwarded on to the state for approval as has a dredge and fill permit. The developer is requesting an additional 24 square feet of signage due to topographical issues, the Board was in agreement.

Concerns of abutters are lighting and traffic and the proposed building. The lighting will conform to the town’s lighting ordinance, the traffic is being addressed with DOT, district 5 and the proposed building is just that “Proposed” a note will state on the plan that further commercial expansion will require approval by the Chichester Planning Board.  Hours of operation will be listed as no later than 10 pm on weekdays and no later than 11 pm on weekends and holidays.

The following will be needed for the plans to be recorded:

1.      Surveyor and wetlands stamps
2.      Approved Dredge & Fill permit
3.      Approved Septic design
4.      Note stating “any future commercial expansion will require approval from the Chichester Planning Board
5.      Note stating hours of operation will be no later then 10pm weekdays and no later then 11pm on weekends and holidays.
6.      paving notes on plan

The developer would like to know if he can begin construction on the site. The Board is concerned to state that he can due to the outstanding Dredge & Fill permit.

Motion was made to accept the final proposal and plans with the above conditions.

        DeBold/Jameson  (Passed)

Richard Arell had to leave, Fred Ruoff will now be a voting member.

DISCUSSION      Lindsey Scanlon/Dawson Property
        Proposed billboard
        Map 3, Lot 15, Dover Road

The Dawson’s would like to place a back to back billboard 14 feet by 48 feet and 24 feet high on their property. The Board explained that the property is in the Commercial Village Zone and that there are specific uses listed and Billboards is not an allowable use. The Board reviewed the zoning and found that the Commercial Village Zone’s architectural standards would have to be met along with the 20 foot height restriction. The Board was in agreement that a Billboard is contrary to the intent of the Commercial Village Zone.

The Commercial Village Zone allows for 64 square feet of signage with slight increases for extenuating circumstances up to a total of 120 square feet. This project would be looking for about 670 square feet.

The project would need a special exception for the Billboard and a variance for the size from the Board of Adjustment to continue.

A letter will be sent to the Board of Adjustment with Planning Boards concerns.

DISCUSSION:     Hillcrest Campground
        Subdivision & Site Review Multi-use
        Self Storage Units, Store/Office,
        U-Haul rentals and apartment
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road

Engineer David Jordan presented the plans for this proposal. The intent is to subdivide off 26.93 acres from the existing Campground and build 8 or 9 self storage buildings and an office with an apartment upstairs. The office will be for the care of the storage units as well as renting of U-Hauls and sales of moving supplies.

The property will be fenced in and the buildings will be steel. The main driveway and loop around the buildings and a few extra parking spaces for outside storage will be paved. The outside storage will be used for items such as boats and recreational vehicles. The parking at the back of the lot will be 300 feet from Marsh Pond.

The spacing of the units may need to be addressed for life safety issues and fire truck accessibility. Driveway permit will need to be obtained from State Of New Hampshire, Department Of Transportation, District 5.

The Board recommends that the project be listed as Multi Use – Storage Units, Store/Office, U-Haul rentals and apartment.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for January.

        MAP 4, LOT 150, DOVER ROAD

Cindy Lewis presented the Board with plans for the property with the request that the owner not have to do a full site review. There is some additional pavement on the property that is not on the plan.

The Board was in agreement that the site review would need the additional pavement, change the name of the business and show where the RV’s will be parked. The site will not change the building is existing and the parking area is as is. The new plan needs to be approved but the plan will not need to be recorded due to the slight change of use.

DISCUSSION:     Martin & Pamela Smith
        Addition – Commercial Zone      
        Map 3, Lot 59, Dover Road

Joe Wichert discussed the property in question, the project will be before the Board in January for Design Review/Public Hearing and Mr. Wichert would like to make sure he has everything the Board needs for approval. Lighting will need to be addressed, check with State of New Hampshire, Department of Transportation, District 5 to comply with approved driveway permit.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for January.

                                                REGULATIONS AND CHECKLISTS

Definitions that were discussed and need to be addressed, changed or added: Apartment, Rental Unit, Recreational Areas, campgrounds, billboards. All changes will be available for public inspection prior to the next meeting.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        DeBold/Paveglio (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:00 pm

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Bradley Towle